After a long wait, this week sees the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.
Reviewers are shoering the game with praise and the Spanish press hasn’t forgotten to laud the localization, which is always a challenge on such large projects. I’ve spent many months leading a talented and dedicated team of writers who have given their best to make your stay on the island as much fun as possible.
I hope you enjoy it, yes, yes!

…the excellent localization. And we don’t mean just translation, but localization. In Spain, this video game talks to you in Castillian Spanish. Set phrases, jokes, dialects, accents… “Muyayo” is just the tip of the iceberg in a warmer, more familiar vocabulary than we dared imagine. New Horizons casts serious doubts on which is the best localized video game in the last few years, not just for Nintendo, but anywhere. It’s amazing. (Meristation)
A lot of care has been into into the game, that’s obvious. It’s Spanish localization es just one example of the attention to detail and its brilliant execution. (3Djuegos)
The game’s translation deserves particular mention as one of its most notable elements. The animals don’t “speak” but utter am odd gurgling or purring that materiales as really funny lines and, every time you catch a fish, with rhymes so bad they are actually good. Nintendo’s localization work is generally outstanding, but Animal Crossing in particular allows them to show off. (HobbyConsolas)
Finally, we’d like to applaud the impeccable translation work, main culprit for the many guffaws we let out upon reading our neighbours’ remarks. (Vandal)