Emio – El Sonriente, ¡ya disponible!

(textos) «magistralmente traducidos al español.» / «La traducción es intachable.» (VidaExtra)

«La traducción está muy bien localizada.» / «Genial trabajo de localización al español.» (Nintendúo)

«Una localización al castellano que es ejemplar y de primera clase, como Nintendo nos tiene acostumbrados.» (Nintenderos)

«Bien localizado al castellano.» (3Djuegos)

«Traducido perfectamente al castellano.» (IGN)

«Todo está estupendamente traducido al castellano, al estilo Nintendo.» / «Lo mejor: […] ¡Por fin en español!» (HobbyConsolas)

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder logoThis week saw the release of the new Super Mario Bros. Wonder and the reception could not have been better. We have translated it with a lot of love and the Spanish press has appreciated it.

“The talking flowers that populate the courses are worth paying attention to: their dialogues in perfect Spanish will get a laugh or two out of you.” (El Correo)

… “the dubbing comes to us in Spanish for the talking flowers that are scattered throughout the stages, which give us clues and make comments that, on some occasions, we found very funny.” (Vandal)

… “talking flowers with lots of panache.” (Nintenderos)

“there are plenty of talking flowers who guide us, point out interesting elements of the landscape and even provide small doses of humor. And yes, in Super Mario Bros. Wonder we not only read what they say, but we also hear them speak in Spanish. A great little detail perfect for the small ones at home to enjoy as much as the not so small.” (VidaExtra)

“I’d emphasise the sound effects, simply great, and in particular the voices of the flowers (in Spanish), which accompany the game as commentators, giving encouragement and even advice. Fantastic.” (3DJuegos)

“Talking flower is ace.” / “I’ll miss the talking flower’s sharp comments.” (GameReactor)

“You may hate the talking flowers at first, but you’re sure to get used to them over time and they’ll end up feeling like one of the best characters in the series. This is achieved thanks to a lighthearted and simple humor for all audiences which envelops the game in a charming atmosphere.” (Nintendúo)Super Mario Bros. Wonder talking flower animated gif

Pikmin 4

This week sees the release of Pikmin 4 for Nintendo Switch and the good reviews are pouring in – including some mentions for our Spanish localization!Logotipo de Pikmin 4

Texts are brilliantly translated into Spanish. (Vandal)

All texts, as usual for this company’s titles, have a fantastic Spanish translation. (HobbyConsolas)

Tears of the Kingdom

Did I forget to mention I’ve also worked on the localisation for this title? You may have heard of it…
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom logo

Chicory out now for Nintendo Switch

The headline says it all: Chicory is now available on Nintendo Switch. Enjoy!

LGBT+films now available

LGBT+films is an all-out celebration of LGBT+ diversity and cinema! A hardcover book in which over 50 LGBT+ artists ​(and a few allies!) reinterpret mainstream films and reimagine their worlds.

Once again I’ve collaborated with its editor, my good friend Fidel Lorite, and together we’ve rewritten the synopsis for each movie to turn them into touching LGBT+ stories and fun acts of activism.

AS an example, here is the synopsis for A Clockwork Orange and its illustration by the talented Nazareth Dos Santos.

The Clockwork Orange, by Nazareth dos Santos

“Alex DeLarge had a troubled past. Her identity crises caused her to end up subject to lengthy conversion therapies for LGBT+ people. The process was tough, but she survived it. Now, at last, she has found herself, but not thanks to those therapies. In fact, she has decided that her mission is to eliminate them forever from the face of the earth and that no one will fall victim to them again, ever. To achieve this, true to her pacifist ideals, she will use exclusively non-violent means.”

More info

The Captain, now available

The Captain is a modern comedy adventure game inspired by the classics that we all loved in the 90’s. It’s highly recommended and already available in several languages, including a careful and loving Spanish localization. Pick it up on Steam, Epic, GOG, or directly from the developers at the Sysiac Games website.