
An all-out celebration of LGBT+ diversity and cinema!

LGBT+films ​was born out of the need to reinvent, from the unique perspective of ​more than 50 LGBT+ artists ​(and a few allies!), the normative spaces that classics from mainstream cinema have always occupied. They reimagine their worlds with new characters and roles and a new identity centred on LGBT+ diversity.

The artists of ​LGBT+films ​use humour, satire and activism to create their own vision of film images that we hold in our collective memory.

The book aims to celebrate LGBT+ diversity across the spectrum, reclaiming spaces that have always been purely normative and giving them new meaning. Edward Scissorhands as a gay man who always feels “unfinished”. ​The Addams Family ​can be queer and also have a lesbian couple; ​Titanic​? A beautiful love story between two women; ​Jumanji? ​Drag madness with a make-up palette instead of a board game; ​The Wizard of Oz? A​ metaphor of gender and self-discovery, or The XYX Files about intersex, trans people and their experiences… The possibilities are endless! Just like the imagination of our artists.

We also want to support artists with a collective work on a common theme in which they all feel represented and able to show their talent.

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