Paper Mario: Color Splash localization reviews

This week sees the release of one of my latest translation jobs, the fantastic Paper Mario: Color Splash, one of the funniest games I’ve had the pleasure to work on. My recommendation brings company: reviews are pretty positive and many are pointing out the success of the Spanish localization team. Thanks, it’s been our pleasure!

Paper Mario Color Splash


But the most outstanding element is, without a doubt, its humor. Every character has something to say -in Spanish, as you’d expect- and we’re probably facing one of the best translations ever made for a title in this genre. The attention to detail in both language and grammar is magnificent. We often come across examples of very local topics and sayings. (Vandal)

Baldo carries most of the weight of the script, complementing Mario’s permanent silence with frequent gags and jokes. / The large variety of situations and the fine sense of humor bring the series back to its heyday. / The hilarious situations will often make you smile: humor is present from the first moment to the last. (Meristation)

Strong points: The script and its adaptation to our language are an absolute pleasure. (VidaExtra)

Strong points: Humor embellished by a very good localization. (GameReactor)

Soon the gags appear and converations take a humorous turn. The careful localization provides jokes that are clearly adapted for Spanish speakers. (Hobbyconsolas)

… some really witty wisecracks. (Revogamers)

The localization is flawless. (Juegos ADN)

Major update

Several aspects and sections of the web have been updated in the last few days:

  • The music player is finally compatible with iOS devices
  • Amazon links now redirect to your region
  • Corrected a number of links and videos embedded with outdated code
  • Added several poems
  • Updated my portfolio of translated video games
  • Updated the fiction section with info on the latest anthology in which I have been published: Instinto animal
  • Translated several sections previously only available in Spanish
  • Added one more way to make donations towards server costs:

In the next few days I plan to keep adding more samples of my work.

I’ve been sampled

Today, a curiosity out of the depths of the internet. Sometime ago I recorded an audiobook version of the short story The Fog Horn by Ray Bradbury as a complement to my Spanish-language podcast. Well, it turns out that a listener from Mexico DF, who signs his Myspace as Ding Ding, has used samples of that recording to create an electronic ambient track:

      Líneas férreas

Allá afuera en el agua helada, lejos de la costa, esperábamos todas las noches la llegada de la niebla, y la niebla llegaba, y aceitábamos la maquinaria de bronce, y encendíamos los faros de niebla en lo alto de la torre. […] que miraba los barcos solitarios. […] que miraba los barcos solitarios. […] que miraba los barcos solitarios. […] -¿En qué piensa usted, McDunn, cuando lo dejo solo? -En los misterios del mar. […] -Los misterios del mar -dijo McDunn pensativamente-. ¿Pensaste alguna vez que el mar es como un enorme copo de nieve? Se mueve y crece con mil formas y colores, siempre distintos.