The headline says it all: Chicory is now available on Nintendo Switch. Enjoy!
LGBT+films is an all-out celebration of LGBT+ diversity and cinema! A hardcover book in which over 50 LGBT+ artists (and a few allies!) reinterpret mainstream films and reimagine their worlds.
Once again I’ve collaborated with its editor, my good friend Fidel Lorite, and together we’ve rewritten the synopsis for each movie to turn them into touching LGBT+ stories and fun acts of activism.
AS an example, here is the synopsis for A Clockwork Orange and its illustration by the talented Nazareth Dos Santos.
“Alex DeLarge had a troubled past. Her identity crises caused her to end up subject to lengthy conversion therapies for LGBT+ people. The process was tough, but she survived it. Now, at last, she has found herself, but not thanks to those therapies. In fact, she has decided that her mission is to eliminate them forever from the face of the earth and that no one will fall victim to them again, ever. To achieve this, true to her pacifist ideals, she will use exclusively non-violent means.”
The Captain is a modern comedy adventure game inspired by the classics that we all loved in the 90’s. It’s highly recommended and already available in several languages, including a careful and loving Spanish localization. Pick it up on Steam, Epic, GOG, or directly from the developers at the Sysiac Games website.
Early November saw the publication of the Nintendo Switch exclusive Shin Megami Tensei V, and I was part of its translation team. The reviews have been excellent.
“Texts are brilliantly translated into Spanish”. (Vandal)
“A return in grand style with a localisation that rises to the occasion. […] I have a weakness for the dialogues you have with the demons: those are the game’s better written bits. They are caustic, sometimes even hilarious, and the localization is not shy to sprinkle them with the right amount of swearing whenever appropriate.” (IGN)
“The game’s texts, such as dialogues, are excellently localized into Spanish.” (Nintendúo)
“The translation is on par with the quality level of the game.” (GuiltyBit)
… “a really good localization that wonderfully adapts the demons’ charismatic conversations and precisely details items, descriptions and dialogues.” (FantasyMundo)
“It enjoys a splendid Spanish translation”. (GuardadoRápido)
We’re celebrating Chicory: A Colorful Story‘s launch on Mac, PC, PS4 & PS5. I hope you’ll enjoy this adorable game! It’s available to play in English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, German and -of course- Spanish!
Update: The first reviews from the Spanish press are dropping and they don’t fail to mention the localization work!
“Excellent localization.”(Meristation)
“We have no objections to the translation of the texts, which are brilliantly adapted to our way of speaking.” (HobbyConsolas)
As a big fan of the British duo Pet Shop Boys, I was disappointed by the lack of official Spanish subtitles to their 1987 film It Couldn’t Happen Here.
Encouraged by the British Film Institute‘s remastered version on DVD and Blu Ray, I decided to create my own and make them available for fans to download.
For further information and the download link, click here.