Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.

Tomorrow is the European release date for Code Name: S.T.E.AM., a new Nintendo videogame in whose localization I’ve had the pleasure of being deeply involved. It’s a third-person strategy game developed by Intelligent Systems, best known for series such as Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and my much beloved Paper Mario.

I’m glad to report that some reviews are praising the localization work. Nintenderos in particular mentions the translation as one of the strong points of the game.

There’s a free downloadable demo available in Nintendo eShop, so I hope that all of you who own a Nintendo 3DS will give Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. a try and, especially, I hope that you enjoy it!

Writers’ block

Calvin & Hobbes

(Español) Ahora en versión papel

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

(Español) Cuando calienta el sol

(Español) Un minino de ventas

En silencio

I won’t speak today about books or writing. I only want to share with you the tumblr I started a couple of months ago: En silencio. I hope you like it.

I use it to share all kinds of music I like (electronic, folk, pop, musicals, soundtracks…) and generally not too well known. Here’s a random, recent example:

I tend to find my own contents (whether they are new releases or not) instead of regurgitating sharing content published by other, which is the norm in tumblr. And I hardly write anything, hence its name: the idea is for me to shut up and let the music play.

(Español) Cheap Inferno