Mrs. Carrington in Mexico

Boceto de vestuario para Leona Carrington

Today, June 18th 2009, is the starting date for Mix 13, the Festival for Sexual Diversity on Film and Video. During the festival, all current episodes of Mrs. Carrington will be projected on the silver screen and with subtitles. The projection will take place at the Cineteca Nacional on Friday 26th at 6:15 PM.

Besides, the Mrs. Carrington section has been updated with additional links to blogs and online newspapers covering the show and/or interviewing the director, Fidel Martínez.

(Español) Un spec (o dos)

New subtitles for Mrs. Carrington

As the series reaches episode 5, the English subtitles struggle to catch up. Today, episodes 1 to 3 are available with subtitles, while 4 and 5 will be added in the next few days. Thanks for your patience!

Episode 5

(Español) Lo que no sucede y sucede

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

(Español) El uso de la violencia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

(Español) Avance del episodio 5

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

(Español) The Marvelous Show