Baba Is You

Baba Is You is one of the smartest and most creative video games of all times, as numerous awards have already acknowledged.

The game consists in manipulating the rules of each level in order to reach a victory condition. To achieve this, the title character, Baba, can push words and other blocks around in order to create and dismantle the rules of the level, including the victory condition itself.

For example, if the player moves one the words of the rule BABA IS YOU, the rule will be broken and they will lose control of the character! But if the push the word ROCK into the sentence, pushing BABA away and forming ROCK IS YOU, the player will stop controlling Baba and will control instead whatever rock (or rocks!) are present in the level.

For another example, see the animated image: once Baba dismantles the rule WALL IS STOP, the walls won’t stop Baba anymore and it can walk across them.

These words have been kept in English in all versions of the game (because, due to different grammar and meaning, some word interactions wouldn’t have had the same meaning in other languages); but a recent update has translated the rest of the game (menus, level names, etc.) into a number of languages. Guess who took care of the Spanish version?

I strongly recommend this game: it contains the cleverest puzzles I’ve ever faced (and, as the game progresses, also the trickiest!). It’s available on Windows, Mac, Linux and everyone’s favourite console, Nintendo Switch. ¡Espero que lo disfrutéis tanto como yo!

Preorders open for my latest novel

My latest novel is being crowdfunded as we speak, and at a very good pace too. Presenting: Mrs. Carrington!

Even if Spanish is not your forte, you might want to support a writer friend and maybe get a present for someone you know? All contributions are appreciated, and sharing helps too!

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses, another title in whose localisation I’ve collaborated, releases today… and the reviews are in!

Texts are impeccably translated into Spanish. (Vandal)

The Spanish localization is sublime. (3Djuegos)

Absolutely all dialogues are dubbed into English and Japanese with Spanish subtitles, and the results are magnificent. (VidaExtra)

Congratulations to the whole team!

(Español) ¿Podrás perdonarla? en Amazon

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn

Most of this game was already beautifully translated, of course, for Nintendo Wii. On this updated version, I’ve had the pleasure of contributing to the Spanish text of the new features, items and game modes. Enjoy Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn now on Nintendo 3DS!

Some new reviews

… “a brilliant Spanish localization with a stream of jokes that never grows old.” (Meristation)

… “with really funny dialogues that shine thanks to a carefully crafted Spanish localization, among the best that Nintendo’s ever made. […] Charm and details galore. Ten out of ten.” (3Djuegos)

Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story logo

Another great title on which I worked recently is published in Europe today (already out in the Americas). This one is for Nintendo 3DS.

I hope you’ll enjoy it!