Horror is not only a genre. It’s easy to forget that it’s also an emotion, and a very powerful one, that we can use in all kinds of stories at some point or other. Here are a few recent Screenwriting Tips on HORROR.
861: Horror is when the audience has no idea what’s going to happen next, coupled with the awful suspicion that maybe they don’t want to find out.
825: The longer you draw out a mystery, the better the payoff has to be.
797: It’s easy to make us empathize with horror movie characters. It’s a lot harder to make us empathize with the monster (also a lot more fun, and potentially more disturbing).
796: Horror has to be transgressive — a violation of the normally-polite pact between storyteller and audience. If you’re not crossing some kind of line, you’re doing it wrong.
772: Fear of the unknown only works up to a point. Horror that never explains itself or establishes any sort of rules eventually becomes frustrating, then laughable.
Worth thinking about it, right?
Desde luego el terror es de lo más difícil. En cine o series al menos tienes los planos, el sonido, la música, efectos de todo tipo… pero en novela me parece que roza lo imposible.
Tendremos que preguntarle a Stephen King, que parece que se le da bien…
He leído a Stephen King y la verdad es que mucho miedo no me produce; acepto tensión en su lugar pero no mucho más.
A mi IT (Eso) si me dió algo de canguelo. Lo leí hace bastantes años. Pienso que si volviera a leerla ahora volvería a suceder. :)
No sé si me ha pasado con alguna más, imagino que si, pero ahora no caigo…