Amazon sells 180 e-books for each 100 paper books

The figures are impressive and correspond to last June, as reported by the Spanish newspaper diario ABC. This catches us all by surprise and invites to speculate the reasons behind such an enormous growth.

E-book sales could be reinforced by: generally lower prices; no shipping costs; a pulsion from new owners of ebook readers to fill up their libraries; online shopping as a past-time in itself; or even the possibility that Amazon is also counting the “sales” of free e-books (copyright-free classics).

The question would be whether the number of sales corresponds to the number of readings. Is the 180-100 proportion visible, say, on the morning underground? Perhaps we’ll need to wait a little longer to find out…

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Jesus (mac66)

Hola Alex: Se veía venir. Tal vez los datos estén inflados, pero acabará imponiéndose. Lo malo es que las editoriales siguen a lo suyo, nada de usar la experiencia del mundo de la música, total para qué, así que nos veremos obligados al pirateo. Y si se descuidan conseguirán que las grandes firmas vendan en sus propias webs sus libros, al precio que crean oportuno. Yo personalmente, adoro el libro como objeto, creo que habrá una convivencia, pero el ebook acabará con las ediciones corrientes y, desde luego, con el libro de bolsillo. Creo. Pero antes tendrán que bajar los… Leer más »