
IX Premio Martín Recuerda de Teatro

The Unfinished Masterpiece was awarded IX Premio Martín Recuerda de Teatro, organized by Junta de Andalucía, Diputación de Granada and Obra Social CajaGranada.

Junta de Andalucía, Diputación de Granada y Obra Social CajaGranada

On December 10th 2007 the jury declares unanimously in favour of The Unfinished Masterpiece. The aforementioned jury was formed by the following members:

The award ceremony took place on February 21st 2008 at the Teatro Alhambra in Granada. The authorreceived the award with what renowned critic Andrés Molinari defined as “a humour-ridden speech, pregnant with theatricality”. You can download the speech (in Spanish) here.

Momento de la entrega Momento de la entrega Momento de la entrega

Momento de la entrega Momento de la entrega Momento de la entrega

Newspaper clippings (Spanish)

[download all]

Interviews after the award is announced (December 2007)

Articles covering the award ceremony (February 21st, 2008)

Presentation of the book and Dramatized reading (March 21st, 2009)

Resumen del Acta del Jurado