It couldn’t happen here

As a big fan of the British duo Pet Shop Boys, I was disappointed by the lack of official Spanish subtitles to their 1987 film It Couldn’t Happen Here.

Encouraged by the British Film Institute‘s remastered version on DVD and Blu Ray, I decided to create my own and make them available for fans to download (as a non-profit personal project and without any intention to infringe on the rights of the work’s owners).

Download .zip file right-clic on the link, then select “Save file as…” or a similar option, depending on your browser

Technical requirements:

  • Decompress the zip file (e.g. with 7-zip)
  • A digital version of the film on your hard drive
  • Both files (film and subtitles) must be in the same folder and have the same name (with their correct extensions)
  • A subtitle-enabled player like VLC


  • Your operating system might prompt a security alert upon downloading, but the file is perfectly safe.
  • The zipped file is in a format not as well-known as .srt and it has a funny extension indeed: “.ass”. This format has certain advantages such as the option to choose the colour and position of each subtitle line, of which I’ve made use.

I hope you enjoy the film and my translation.


Other Pet Shop Boys related projects
  • A short story inspired by their song Can you forgiver her?
  • A work-in-progress, original stage musical inspired by their work, for which I lack a musician-producer co-writer. Interested? Contact me here.